Not only is lube the ultimate solution for vaginal dryness, but it can make sex much more enjoyable and comfortable, too. Talk about stating the obvious.
Although a specialized lube from your local pharmacy (or sex shop) will always be a better option, there may come a time when you can’t get access to one for the life of you. Fortunately, at least one of our top five alternatives should work. And they’re probably just lying around your house!
#1. Aloe Vera
If you’ve ever applied aloe vera to your skin, you know how moisturizing it is. Unlike many other alternatives, especially oils, you can use aloe vera with latex condoms. More than that, it can help prevent several issues, such as fungal infections.
Overall, aloe very just might be the best household lube alternative, but the chances that you have 100% natural aloe gel in your home are quite low. And the ones containing alcohol or other artificial ingredients will most likely cause irritation.
#2. Coconut Oil
Unrefined coconut oil is a popular lube substitute for several reasons. First, it’s tasty, so it’s a great option if sex will include oral play. Second, your skin will absorb it and so there won’t be any greasy residues left on your intimate body parts afterward. It’s also very moisturizing (as any lube should be).
Now for the cons. Whatever you do, don’t use latex condoms with coconut oil, or any other oil for that matter, because all oils have a tendency to destroy the latex material almost immediately. Additionally — and again this applies to all oils — it has a high pH level, so using it for vaginal sex may lead to yeast infections in your partner.
#3. Avocado Oil
If you don’t want your lube to have a specific taste or smell, using avocado oil might be a good idea, as it’s almost tasteless. However, when it comes to its lubricating function, many people find it less effective than the previous options on this list.
#4. Olive Oil
This one can be found in almost any household. Olive oil is safe to use for both vaginal and anal sex. But it’s very thick and hardly dissolves in skin. So it may clog pores! If you plan to use olive oil for sex, make sure to wash it off as soon as you can afterward.
#5. Cornstarch and Water
This lube will take some time for you to prepare, so it’s better to make it in advance and store it until needed.
Just put four teaspoons of cornstarch into one cup of boiling water. You can put more or less cornstarch depending on how thick you want that lube to be. Stir the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then let it cool down at room temperature (don’t put it into the fridge, unless you want your lube to be jelly-like, which we highly doubt), and keep in it in a closed bottle until needed. But don’t store it for too long. You’ll have better results if you prepare the lube on the same day or a day before. And this lube is condom-friendly — it won’t destroy them!
Any Other Alternatives?
You could probably do some more research and find other options lying around. But stay away from Vaseline, baby oil, egg whites, refined oils, and shower gels. Yes, they’re great at reducing friction, but they pose several health risks you want to avoid.