Grounding, also known as Earthing, is the practice of connecting with the earth’s natural energy. Our bodies — all of our atoms, in fact — have their own electromagnetic fields, and so does the earth. So the point of grounding is to get these fields aligned, or in “resonance.”

The result? Improvements in overall health and wellbeing. Grounding can even help alleviate chronic pain, fatigue, depression, cardiovascular disease, and sleep disorders.

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A Sampling of the Science

Grounding is still a somewhat under-studied topic. In the studies that have taken place, however, the results support many of the positive claims people who practice grounding have made. So, this just might be something you want to try out!

Blood Cell Fluidity

In a small study on the health effects of grounding on heart function, patches were attached to the hands and feet of ten healthy participants. While measuring their blood, the test took readings before and after grounding. Results showed a significant decrease in blood cell clumping following the grounding technique. This study suggests that grounding can benefit cardiovascular health.

Muscle Recovery

In a bigger study on the effects of grounding on post-exercise muscle damage, researchers measured participants’ white blood cell count, creatine kinase (a marker of muscle damage), and levels of pain experienced post-exercise. Blood work showed that after grounding, pain and muscle damage declined. So, grounding might be able to improve healing.


Some studies support the claim that grounding can improve sleep duration and overall sleep quality. So if you’re injured, grounding can help not only by expediting recovery directly, but by doing so indirectly as well — that is, by improving sleep, when your body is primed to heal itself anyway!

Want to Ground?

There are several methods you can try:

  • Walking barefoot on grass or earth. This is probably the simplest way. When the soles of your feet touch the earth, you connect with its electromagnetic field.
  • Lying on grass or earth. Same idea as above! But if you’re in a public area, be sure to keep some clothes on!
  • Submerging yourself in water. Salt water is ideal.
  • Grounding equipment. Special grounding sheets, blankets, socks, and patches can help! They might be a bit pricy, though. So if it’s convenient, just take off your shoes and socks, and spend ten minutes performing a standing meditation in your garden or local park, and voila! Nature is free of charge.

Spiritualism Meets Science

Grounding in nature has been recorded as a health benefit since the times of Ancient Greeks. And recently, science is showing us that they probably knew what they were talking about!

Take some time out of your day to connect with nature — not just visually, but physically. Try it, and you just might find yourself feeling more relaxed and enjoying much better sleep.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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If you’re here, someone’s awfully noisy breathing probably woke you up at 2am, or you’re guilty of the same crime. Anti-snoring devices come in different forms, each proffering a unique solution. Here’s our pick for the five best devices that can put an end to that snoring.

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#1. Anti-Snoring Chin Strap

The anti-snoring chin strap is designed for you if you breathe with your mouth while sleeping. When worn, it shuts your mouth, forcing you to breathe through your nose.

While the chin strap won’t win any awards for aesthetics, it’s made from lightweight, breathable material for maximum comfort. Many users recommend it for being a simple, natural, and effective way to stop snoring.

#2. Snorepin™ Anti-Snoring Aid

The Snorepin is a tiny, almost covert device used to ease breathing throughout the night. All you have to do is insert one side into each nostril to dilate them. In addition to being cheap, this anti-snoring aid is reusable and comes in a pack of two.

While some users have complained that it’s a struggle fitting the device into their nostrils, a good number say that the device is worth a try nonetheless.

#3. VitalSleep Anti-Snoring Device

The VitalSleep Anti-Snoring Device is one of the few FDA-approved anti-snoring devices on the market. This mouthpiece is made of soft, latex-free material that molds to the shape of your teeth and mouth to help you stop snoring and grinding your teeth.

If you’re not used to sleeping with accessories, you may need some time to get used to the device. Eventually, you’ll get comfy wearing it, and you won’t even notice that you’re wearing it. No more sleepless nights for you or your partner!

#4. Bed Wedge: FitPlus Premium Wedge Pillow

Yes, believe it or not — a pillow can help with snoring problems, too. Crafted from memory foam, this soft, premium wedge pillow from FitPlus is designed to comfortably elevate your head in a way that helps you breathe better during sleep. Many online reviewers couldn’t agree more.

The Bed Wedge measures 24 x 28 x 7.5 inches, and it comes with a machine-washable removable cover. It’s also been shown to provide relief from neck and back pain, and even acid reflux.

#5. Breathe Right Nasal Strips for Congestion Relief

Cost-efficient, comfortable, and convenient, Breathe Right Nasal Strips are another viable solution. You simply apply one over the bridge of your nose to help keep your nasal passages open. This improves breathing significantly, and can even relieve congestion.

These strips come in several different designs and formulas to appeal to a larger population, including people with sensitive skin.

In a Nutshell

So there you have it — a wide selection of different anti-snoring devices, each designed for a particular kind of problem.

When you go shopping for an anti-snoring device for yourself or your noisy partner, just take your pick and be sure it’s comfortable. And rest assured that a good night’s sleep is not something you have to dream about any longer.

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Anxiety may not necessarily be the culprit that keeps you up at night and blocks you from crossing over to dreamland. It may really be just a simple matter, like the quality of your mattress.

If you’re done tossing and turning and yearn for restful, undisturbed sleep, invest in the right type of mattress. And don’t let the mattress war among outlets intimidate you! Here’s our quick guide on what to consider when buying one:

Mattress Type

Just like the bodies that lie on them, mattresses come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You’ll have to consider many factors when choosing the right one for you: from its potential lifespan, to how cold or hot you usually get while sleeping.

Here are the most common types of mattresses:

  • Memory Foam. These mattresses provide incredible support and body contouring, which make them perfect if you’re looking for a soft, luxurious bed with strong pressure relief. Some memory foam mattresses, particularly the gel foam type, reduce the heat from your body to make sleep more comfortable.
  • Latex. These are known for their great cooling properties, but they don’t “hug” like a memory foam does. They’re breathable, bouncy, and supple. And most importantly, they’re hypoallergenic and anti-microbial. Just don’t buy this mattress type if you’re allergic to latex. Being the most durable type, they should last for many years.
  • Hybrid. Combining a coil, latex, or foam base with a soft memory foam top, hybrid mattresses are quite versatile and diverse, designed specifically to maximize the pros and minimize the cons of other mattress types. Providing the best of both worlds, these mattresses have one major drawback: They tend to be expensive.

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Mattress Firmness

What can make you wake up on the right side of the bed or leave you with a stiff, sore back in the morning? Your sleeping position and body weight! So choose mattress firmness carefully.

But how soft or firm should a good mattress be? Don’t confuse the firmness with the level of support that a mattress provides. A good mattress with the proper level of support will keep your spine properly aligned without any excessive pressure points — regardless of how soft or firm it is.

Here’s what you should keep in mind when choosing the firmness of your mattress:

Your preferred sleeping position

Are you a side-sleeper? Then choose a softer mattress to avoid discomfort in your hip joints and shoulders. If you tend to sleep on your stomach or back, a firmer mattress would be a better choice. A soft one could cause your body to sink, which might lead to back or neck pain.

Your body weight

Your weight is probably the most important factor to consider when choosing a mattress. Everything – from the required levels of support to cooling properties – depends on your body weight. A mattress that’s too soft can cause more pressure points on your back to suffer when you’re heavier. So, if you weigh over 200 pounds, choose a mattress with a grade of 3 on the firmness scale. If you weigh less than 150 pounds, feel free to go as soft as you want; a grade of 5 or 6 might be suitable.

Your Ideal Mattress Awaits

It doesn’t matter if you want to purchase online or patronize your local mattress store. Just make sure you remember what to look for when buying one. And although online shopping can be highly convenient, a visit to a store can still be a good idea — so that you can do a little test-drive before committing.

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Over the past couple of decades, testosterone levels in men have rapidly declined. This is a worldwide trend that can’t be explained by changes in lifestyle, habits, and general health. Even after accounting for factors such as obesity, smoking, and insufficient physical activity — all known to decrease total and free testosterone — researchers have concluded that there’s been a substantial, age-independent, population-level decrease in mean testosterone concentration in American men.

To explain this drop, a few theories have been suggested, including endocrine disruptors, environmental factors, and changes in the standard western diet’s nutrient composition. The jury is still out on this, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we men can’t do to improve our hormonal health today. There’s much we can do to achieve better health, stronger bodies, and more satisfying lives.

The bad news is, there’s no magic pill to boost your testosterone level. The best solution modern medicine has to offer is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But that’s complicated, costly, and riddled with potential serious side effects. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is the only way to clinically fix low testosterone levels. If you believe you might benefit from it, talk to your health professional and arrange some tests.

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That said, for those of us in a healthy range but still looking for ways to improve hormonal health to perform better at the gym, in bed, and in the workplace, there are many easy, affordable ways to ever so slightly boost testosterone levels. One small habit might not be much, but when you pick up ten of them and stay consistent for some time, the changes will be nothing short of amazing.

Here are three favorite easy ways to slightly increase testosterone levels for healthy adult men:

#1. High Fat Diet

Until recently, a low-fat diet has been celebrated as the healthiest way to eat and the best way to lose weight. Ever since the 1970s, the majority of nutritionists have advised the general public to limit their fat intake, and rely on carbohydrates and some protein for satiation.

Today, we know these claims aren’t as solid as they were thought to be. From the Atkins and ketogenic diets to carnivore and zero-carb ways of eating, today it’s clear that things aren’t as black-and-white when it comes to fat.

Also, no fats are equal. Many studies highlight the dangers of seed oils and the benefits of animal fats. As far as testosterone levels and hormonal health are concerned, a diet rich in fat is hard to beat. Fat intake has been shown to influence testicular function, while a decrease in dietary fat has been shown to reduce the serum concentration of male sex hormones. Some studies even suggest that low-fat diets actually reduce testosterone levels in men.

#2. Herbal and Mineral Supplements

While whole foods should always be the main source of your micro- and macronutrients, sometimes supplementation can be the final piece of the puzzle. Unlike substances with a complex mechanism of action (such as nootropics), mineral and herbal supplements are generally well-researched and safe.

And while your average multivitamin pill won’t affect your hormonal health, some supplements have been shown to increase testosterone levels. If you’re interested in including them to your stack, we suggest that you take a look at ginger rootstinging nettleMucuna pruriensboronvitamin D3, and zinc.

#3. Heavy Lifting

Emphasis on heavy. While any workout is pretty much guaranteed to increase your testosterone levels, some forms of exercise will yield much better results. This has been shown to be true by multiple studies, the earliest of which was published in the early 1980s.

Resistance training, like weightlifting, appears to be the best type of exercise to boost testosterone — just one 30-minute-long weightlifting session can increase testosterone levels by 21.6%. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) ranks a close second. And for all you joggers out there, keep in mind that too much cardio may actually reduce your testosterone levels! So it might be a good idea to take up any of the three testosterone boosters above.

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Over the past couple of decades, testosterone levels in men have rapidly declined. This is a worldwide trend that can’t be explained by changes in lifestyle, habits, and general health. Even after accounting for factors such as obesity, smoking, and insufficient physical activity — all known to decrease total and free testosterone — researchers have concluded that there’s been a substantial, age-independent, population-level decrease in mean testosterone concentration in American men.

Interested in the topic? Subscribe to The Coach Magazine and receive articles which will improve your sleep every week.
To explain this drop, a few theories have been suggested, including endocrine disruptors, environmental factors, and changes in the standard western diet’s nutrient composition. The jury is still out on this, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we men can’t do to improve our hormonal health today. There’s much we can do to achieve better health, stronger bodies, and more satisfying lives.
The bad news is, there’s no magic pill to boost your testosterone level. The best solution modern medicine has to offer is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But that’s complicated, costly, and riddled with potential serious side effects. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is the only way to clinically fix low testosterone levels. If you believe you might benefit from it, talk to your health professional and arrange some tests.
That said, for those of us in a healthy range but still looking for ways to improve hormonal health to perform better at the gym, in bed, and in the workplace, there are many easy, affordable ways to ever so slightly boost testosterone levels. One small habit might not be much, but when you pick up ten of them and stay consistent for some time, the changes will be nothing short of amazing. 
Here are three favorite easy ways to slightly increase testosterone levels for healthy adult men:
#1. High Fat Diet
Until recently, a low-fat diet has been celebrated as the healthiest way to eat and the best way to lose weight. Ever since the 1970s, the majority of nutritionists have advised the general public to limit their fat intake, and rely on carbohydrates and some protein for satiation.

Today, we know these claims aren’t as solid as they were thought to be. From the Atkins and ketogenic diets to carnivore and zero-carb ways of eating, today it’s clear that things aren’t as black-and-white when it comes to fat. 
Also, no fats are equal. Many studies highlight the dangers of seed oils and the benefits of animal fats. As far as testosterone levels and hormonal health are concerned, a diet rich in fat is hard to beat. Fat intake has been shown to influence testicular function, while a decrease in dietary fat has been shown to reduce the serum concentration of male sex hormones. Some studies even suggest that low-fat diets actually reduce testosterone levels in men.
#2. Herbal and Mineral Supplements
While whole foods should always be the main source of your micro- and macronutrients, sometimes supplementation can be the final piece of the puzzle. Unlike substances with a complex mechanism of action (such as nootropics), mineral and herbal supplements are generally well-researched and safe.

And while your average multivitamin pill won’t affect your hormonal health, some supplements have been shown to increase testosterone levels. If you’re interested in including them to your stack, we suggest that you take a look at ginger root, stinging nettle, Mucuna pruriens, boron, vitamin D3, and zinc.
#3. Heavy Lifting
Emphasis on heavy. While any workout is pretty much guaranteed to increase your testosterone levels, some forms of exercise will yield much better results. This has been shown to be true by multiple studies,the earliest of which was published in the early 1980s.

Resistance training, like weightlifting, appears to be the best type of exercise to boost testosterone — just one 30-minute-long weightlifting session can increase testosterone levels by 21.6%. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) ranks a close second. And for all you joggers out there, keep in mind that too much cardio may actually reduce your testosterone levels! So it might be a good idea to take up any of the three testosterone boosters above.

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Did you know that most of what we know about sleep wasn’t discovered until late in the twentieth century? And to this day, we’re still learning more. Here are five fascinating facts about sleep that might surprise you.

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Fact # 1: Different naps have different powers.

We all know that naps can be a great addition to our day. And sometimes, it’s actually crucial to well-being. Indeed, for some people, taking naps can help prevent diseases such as dementia or sleep apnea!

But did you know that there’s also a nuanced art to taking naps? To get the most out of your nap, if you’re a morning lark, your ideal time for a nap is past 1pm; and if you’re a night owl, around 3pm is best.

And you can adjust the duration of your nap depending on what you want to achieve. For example, take a 10-20-minute nap if you need to boost alertness; 60 minutes, to increase cognitive memory processes; and 90 minutes, to improve creativity and procedural memory.

Fact # 2: Bedtime snacks can be good for you!

You might have heard that eating past 6pm is a bad idea. But relax, you can eat even 45 minutes before to bedtime. In fact, a light snack can actually help you sleep.

But keep it healthy. Get in some carbs, protein (preferably with tryptophan), and calcium. A small amount is a great combo to prevent late-hour hunger pangs while helping you ease into sleep. Some great options include a banana with a spoon of peanut butter, or a slice of whole grain toast with some low-fat cheese or lean turkey.

And milk’s a well-known option for a bedtime snack. But to make it even more effective, throw in some carbs, too.

Fact # 3: If you snooze, you lose — even during weekends.

No, sleeping in during weekends is a bad idea. In fact, waking up later than usual will disrupt your body’s internal clock, which might lead to a downward spiral that disrupts your sleeping habits even more.

If it’s generally difficult for you to get enough sleep during the week, there are lots of strategies you can try. For example, switch off all your electronic devices before bed. The lights they emit will hinder your body’s production of melatonin, your sleep hormone. Also, keep your bedroom cool (65 oF), quiet, and dark. A comfortable, distraction-free environment is key.

And here’s another interesting fact: 53% of people reported that having pets or kids in their beds had a negative effect on their sleep. No surprises there!

Of course, not everyone can always control who or what they have to share their bedroom with. But if you’ve got another room in your home and your two- or four-legged critters don’t mind a sleeping quarters of their own, that eviction notice would be a welcome boon to all parties involved.

Fact # 4: Sleep faster with wine, but more poorly, too.

Consider skipping that glass of wine. While it’s true that wine might help lull you to sleep, it will actually disrupt the quality of your sleep. And because of the alcohol — a diuretic — in wine, you’ll be waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

And if you happen to drink a bit more than you should — or, to be blunt, if you’re an alcoholic — “abstaining” from beverages with alcohol during sleep can cause withdrawal symptoms after about 2-3 hours. This will wreak havoc on your circadian rhythm.

Incidentally, nicotine has a similar effect: During the night, your body goes through withdrawal pangs. It’s best to quit smoking and excessive drinking now.

Fact # 5: Better to save the hot baths for earlier in the day.

Think that a hot bath will help you sleep better? Sorry, it won’t.

A hot shower, sauna, or bubble bath late in the evening will raise your body temperature and hinder sleep. As mentioned, the ideal sleep environment is a cooler environment, so your body will need to take time to cool down again.

If skipping a shower is out of the question, make the water a little cooler than usual. This way, you’ll gently signal to your body that it’s nearly time to sleep.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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No gimmicky lifehacks here. The evidence that power naps are all-around great for you is undeniable.

But first, let’s get one thing straight — how long is a power nap? Well, experts say that the most powerful naps typically last 10-30 minutes. That’s enough sleep to help you rejuvenate before entering slow-wave sleep (also known as deep sleep).

And a power nap is a good thing! If you feel bad about taking a quick mid-day snooze, don’t. For what it’s worth, over 85% of mammalian species are polyphasic — meaning they sleep more than once a day.

Granted, it’s unclear whether a monophasic (once a day) sleeping pattern is natural to humans, or whether it’s just a prevailing cultural convention that modern society has forced upon us. Regardless, power-napping is not only perfectly fine, but actually quite healthy as well.

Interested in the topic? Subscribe to The Coach Magazine and receive articles which will improve your sleep every week.

The Benefits of Power-Napping

You can use power naps as a way to catch up on sleep, or simply to supplement sleep. Over the last few decades, though, many studies have shown that they might confer additional benefits.

For example, one study from the University of Düsseldorf shows that just six minutes of sleep is enough to enhance memory processing. Other benefits of power-napping include:

Heck, it’s also been shown that a power nap can do almost as much good as normal sleep can — in under half an hour!

And then throw in improved hormonal balance, mood enhancement, and decreased appetite (great if you’re trying to lose weight). What’s left? A simple question: Why aren’t you power-napping yet?

While logistics can be an issue — after all, not everybody works at a fancy startup with nap lounges and kale smoothie dispensers — you can always sleep in your car or even a toilet stall (yeah, I’ve tried that). Or, you can keep power naps to mornings or evenings, or just make it a weekend thing that you do.

Ready to Join the Power-Nappers Club?

You’d be in good company. Leonardo da Vinci did it, taking 15-minute naps every four hours. And the Kardashian-West powerhouse couple does it, claiming that short, strategic, carefully planned naps have been part of their recipe for success.

At the very least, you’d get some extra rest, and since when was that ever a bad idea?

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most infamous medical conditions known to men. You can find a wealth of articles about it online, but only a handful of that can offer sound information based on hard science.

Let’s skip the fake news and get that facts straight. Here are seven myths about ED we can debunk now.

Myth #1: Only older men have to worry about ED

This myth says you don’t have to worry about ED if you’re still young. Yes, the likelihood of getting ED increases with age, but about 15% of men under 40 years live with ED.

Myth #2: If you can get an erection, you probably don’t have ED

Probably, but don’t get too comfortable. Being able to get an erection doesn’t necessarily rule out ED. If you’re consistently unable tomaintain an erection for satisfactory sex, you still might have it.

Myth #3: If you have one bad night, you better get help right away

Don’t get too paranoid. If you can’t get it up one night, a number of other causes could be to blame, including excessive alcohol consumption, physical tiredness, and mental exhaustion, to name a few.

A single off-night shouldn’t compell you to get ED meds right away. If you feel troubled about your performance in bed, schedule an appointment with a health practitioner. They’d be better trained to diagnose your condition, if you even have one in the first place.

Myth #4: ED is a simple problem isolated to your mickey

No, ED is a bit more complex than that. Normally, upon arousal, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and hormones work in symphony to create an erection.

Several risk factors can alter this process, including diabetes, alcohol, obesity, stress, a nervous disorder, a sleep disorder, tobacco, and certain medications (like anti-depressants). More often than not, solving the underlying cause of ED (which could simply be a bad habit) can fix the condition.

Myth #5. You need a specialist to treat ED

While a urologist specializes in treating ED and other similar conditions, your primary care physician is a great place to start. They can even prescribe the first-line of ED drugs (PDE-5 inhibitors). Seek help from a specialist only if the treatments prescribed by your primary care physician are ineffective.

Myth #6. ED is just a mind game

Yes, ED can result from psychological stress, but that’s not the sole cause of the problem. While stressing about something can play a role in making it difficult to achieve an erection, ED can just as well be caused by a combination of psychological and physical factors.

Seeking help from a psychologist when the ED is caused by obesity, tobacco, or a weak circulatory system would be ineffective against ED. As mentioned, be sure to first visit your primary care physician to help you uncover your ED’s underlying cause. And if you guys can’t figure it out and effectively manage it together, your doctor will at least be able to refer you to someone who can.

Myth #7. Viagra is your only option

While Viagra is undoubtedly the most common prescription for ED, it’s not the only remedy or FDA-approved solution.

There’s also Levitra and Cialis, for example. Other options include vacuum erection devices, gene therapy, surgery, and shockwave therapy. Again, talk it over with your doctor. They’ll help you hone in on the best option for you.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.


Fortunately, thanks to advancements in medicine, only 2-3% of cases of prostate cancer are fatal. So prognosis is generally good. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), nearly all men diagnosed with localized or regional prostate cancer will live for the next five years!

Still, there’s a lot of fear surrounding prostate cancer. Unfortunately, not many are founded on scientifically proven facts or research. So, what should you know about prostate cancer?

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

In the early stages of prostate cancer, you might have no symptoms. These appear only when the cancer presses on local structures, like the urethra.

Symptoms include:

  • Urinary hesitancy
  • Urinary leakage
  • A sensation of an urgent need to pass urine
  • Poor urinary stream
  • Pain or discomfort when urinating
  • Urinary frequency (especially at night)

Alone, however, these symptoms aren’t enough to warrant a diagnosis of prostate cancer. That’s because these symptoms are also common in conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Prostate Cancer Screening

There are two common methods to screen for prostate cancer:

  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Blood is drawn from the arm, and the level of PSA in the blood is measured. Abnormally high PSA levels may suggest prostate cancer.
  • Digital rectal exam (DRE). A gloved finger is inserted into the rectum by your healthcare provider to feel the prostate. Hard or irregular areas can evidence prostate cancer.

These tests are used to determine the presence of prostate cancer in asymptomatic men. Routine screening is recommended for early detection of prostate cancer.

The American Urological Association (AUA) recommends individualized screening for men between the ages of 40 and 54 years old, and shared decision-making (with the doctor) for men aged between 55 and 69. Screening isn’t recommended for men below 40 and those above 70.

Grading and Staging of Prostate Cancer

The grade and stage of cancer can be assessed only after a diagnosis has been made through a biopsy, an ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The grade of prostate cancer is used to indicate how quickly it will grow and spread. The Gleason score (2-10) is used for grading purposes. A lower score (6-7) means it’s less aggressive; a higher score (8-10), more aggressive.

The stage of prostate cancer refers to its size and/or whether it has spread or not. The three-part American Joint Committee on Cancer’s TNM system is used to determine the cancer stage.

Healthcare practitioners often describe cancer in three stages:

  • Localized. The cancer is only in the prostate.
  • Locally advanced. It has grown from the capsule to nearby tissues.
  • Metastatic. It has spread to other tissues in the body.

This system also puts a tumor into four categories (T1-T4) depending on the extent of its spread.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

There are many treatment options available for prostate cancer. The best option would depend on the patient’s age and health history, the tumor stage, the side effects of treatment, and the patient’s own goals and values.

  • Active surveillance. In the early stages of prostate cancer, doctors closely monitor a patient with biopsies, PSA tests, and physical exams. Treatment is initiated if cancer begins to progress.
  • Watchful waiting. Here, there’s no intention to cure prostate cancer because it has metastasized. The patient is provided with symptomatic treatment.
  • Surgery. This treatment approach removes the entire prostate gland and some affected tissue around it.
  • Radiation therapy. X-rays or other types of radiation are used to kill the cancerous cells or stop them from growing.
  • Biologic therapy. Immune-boosting substances are given to the patient to help them fight the cancer.
  • Hormone therapy. This treatment approach is used to reduce the amount of androgen in the patient’s body.
  • Cryotherapy. This is used in the early stages of the cancer to freeze and kill cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy. Anti-cancer drugs prevent prostate cancer cells from growing.

Popular Prostrate Cancer Myths

Unfortunately, there are way too many misconceptions about prostate cancer out there. Don’t fall for any of these:

Myth #1: An enlarged prostate is a cause for concern

If you have a penis and testicles, then you have a prostate. The prostate gland is responsible for producing prostatic fluid, which mixes with the sperm that comes from your testicles. This process provides a protective environment for the sperm on its quest to fertilize an egg.

While it’s widely believed that testicles produce all of a man’s semen, only 2-5% of it comes from testicles. The prostate gland produces 20-30%, and the rest comes from seminal vesicles.

As a man ages, the prostate naturally grows. This growth continues throughout a man’s life. As the prostate enlarges, it begins to squeeze the urethra, making it narrower, which can lead to difficulties in passing urine. However, this isn’t necessarily harmful.

Myth #2: PSA comes from prostate cancer

The prostate gland naturally produces prostate-specific antigen (which is also referred to as gamma-seminoprotein). As a boy goes through puberty, he starts making PSA. As the prostate grows, the amount of PSA increases.

Normal PSA numbers are typically less than 4. The younger a man is, the lower his PSA should be. Men below 40 should have a PSA number less than 2, or maybe 1. As he grows older, the PSA number increases. Anything above 4 is a cause for concern.

Myth #3: You diagnose prostate cancer by its symptoms

Most men who suffer from prostate cancer exhibit no symptoms. These show up only when the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. Signs and symptoms like lethargy, bloody urine, or severe back pain usually mean the cancer is at a life-threatening stage.

Difficulty in urination (for men in their 60s) doesn’t necessarily point to prostate cancer. At this age, men face difficulty with urination as a result of their prostate getting larger — a natural process.

Myth #4: All prostate cancers are deadly

During the 1980s and 1990s, when little was known about prostate cancer, any occurrence meant the prostate gland had to be removed or radiated to prevent death. However, with modern advances in medicine, that may no longer be necessary, especially if the cancer is categorized as “low-risk.”

Some men with low-risk prostate cancer can choose to live with it (while monitoring it with regular PSA testing and biopsies) or undergo surgery. The latter option, however, would alter his life forever, making it more difficult to urinate and achieve erections.

Myth #5: Recurring prostate cancer means death

Wrong. If a man suffers from recurring prostate cancer, it can be treated. A doctor can cut out cancerous areas in the gland, and then follow up with radiation and chemotherapeutic agents. If the PSA rises after surgery, you can receive further treatment with additional radiation and/or surgery.

6 Ways to Cut Down Your Prostate Cancer Risk

The three most important risk factors for prostate cancer include having a family member with a history of prostate cancer, being of African-American descent, and growing old.

According to the American Cancer Society, 60% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer are aged 65 or older. While you can’t escape growing old, change your ethnic background, or change your family history, the following lifestyle adjustments can reduce your chances of suffering from prostate cancer.

Risk Reducer #1. Ejaculate frequently

Science suggests that frequency of ejaculation is at least correlated to prostate cancer risk. In a particular research study that considered almost 32,000 men over 18 years old, men who ejaculated least 21 times a month were 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer compared with those who did it just 4-7 times a month.

Risk Reducer #2. Eat more tomatoes

If you’re not a fan of tomatoes, now is the time to reconsider. Recent studies have linked tomato consumption to a lowered risk of most non-skin cancers in men.

According to a 2014 study, men who had more than ten servings of tomatoes weekly were 18% less likely to suffer prostate cancer. Although more extensive studies need to be carried out in this area, lycopene — an antioxidant found in tomatoes — is believed to protect against DNA and cell damage.

Risk Reducer #3. Drink more coffee

If you’ve never been proud of being a coffee addict, now’s the time to be. A 2018 meta-analysis (which involved 7,909 cases of prostate cancer) suggests that high coffee intake reduces the risk of fatal and high-grade prostate cancer.

Risk Reducer #4. Cut down on red meat, dairy, and saturated fat

Several studies have suggested that diets with high-fat content increase the risk of prostate cancer. And findings from a 2018 research study showed that prostate cancer became more aggressive in mice on a high-fat diet.

Risk Reducer #5. Drink green tea

Japanese men drink lots of green tea regularly — certainly much more green tea than the rest of the world — and this may be one reason they’re less likely to suffer from fatal prostate cancer.

study that tracked 50,000 Japanese men for over a decade discovered that although there’s no direct relationship between green tea and a lower risk of prostate cancer, drinking more than five cups of green tea daily led to a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Risk Reducer #6. Quit smoking

Smoking has been discovered to be a risk factor for many cancer types, including cancer of the colon, kidney, lung, esophagus, larynx, thorax, stomach, cervix, rectum, pancreas, and many more. For now, there’s no clear explanation of the effect of smoking on prostate cancer, but why take the risk?

Crehan’s research in 1997 suggests that smoking increases the risk of prostate cancer, while a more recent study (Kenfield, 2011) showed no link between smoking and prostate cancer. However, an active smoker diagnosed with prostate cancer had a higher risk of mortality and recurrence.

Prostate cancer isn’t an automatic death sentence. If you’ve been diagnosed with the condition, you have many treatment options. But otherwise, now you’re equipped with many ways to reduce your risk. Aside from the recommendations above, you can also exercise regularly and maintain a healthy BMI! But of course, you probably already knew this. Being physically fit and healthy is a good way to protect yourself from numerous ailments.


Whether because of excitement, nerves, or laziness, we’ve all blown our load too quickly. As we age, the time between the feeling that we’re about to ejaculate and the ejaculation itself gets shorter. If you’re frequently ejaculating in a very short amount of time, however, it can become embarrassing, or it can make you feel inadequate. You need to take action ASAP.

But Are You Sure You Have a Problem in the First Place?

Before getting into the specifics about premature ejaculation (PE), you might want to entertain the idea that, just maybe, you’ve turned a small issue into a huge problem that’s not actually a problem for you and your partner.

Don’t get hung up on the spectacular feats of sexual endurance you see in porn. They’re a poor reflection of real life. Studies show that ejaculation, on average, takes around five minutes. Of course, it can go for much longer, but all women are different, and not all of them want the hours-long pounding you so often see on Pornhub.

It might be that your ejaculation time isn’t a problem. Talk with your partner before you start hating on yourself for something that may be completely normal and problem-free.

Yeah, I Think I Have a Real Problem

Well, first let’s define what clinical premature ejaculation is. International guidelines define premature ejaculation as ejaculating within one minute of entering your partner, regularly.

What causes premature ejaculation?

It’s not completely understood why premature ejaculation happens, but it may have something to do with brain chemistry. Men with low levels of serotonin tend to ejaculate faster.

Stress, depression, guilt, and relationship problems can all play a role. The same goes for performance anxiety. This means that the more you worry about ejaculating quickly, the more it’s likely to happen.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can sometimes be the culprit, too. Men with ED may worry that they’ll lose their erection during sex, so they’ll feel pressured to ejaculate quickly. If you suffer from ED, seek treatment as soon as possible. You might find your premature ejaculation stops, too.

How can I prevent premature ejaculation?

There are several measures you can take to help you last longer:

  • Masturbate and ejaculate an hour or so before you have sex.
  • Take breaks from penetrative sex; you can to switch oral sex, or even use a toy, for example.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly during sex, particularly if you feel you’ll climax soon. This breathing technique can delay climax.
  • Use a thicker condom.
  • Have sex with your partner on top while you lie on your back.
  • Participate in couples therapy (if you’re in a committed relationship).

What medications can I take?

If you’ve tried everything, then it might be time to turn to medication. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are usually used to treat depression, but they can also delay ejaculation. So SSRIs would be especially useful if you have both conditions — depression due to PE is not all that uncommon.

You can also try anesthetic creams or sprays such as lidocaine or prilocaine to reduce penile sensitivity. There are condoms with these agents on the inner lining — just make sure you put one on the right way.

Where Do I Even Start?

If you’re suffering from premature ejaculation, get in touch with a doctor right away. Talk with your partner as well, if you’re comfortable.

You might first try natural remedies. And if that fails, consider medication. Don’t let negative emotions build up inside. PE is treatable, and you can start finding solutions today.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.


The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has definitely affected our lives — remote work, quarantine, curfews, and social distancing have become the new norm. And with all the burning anxiety in these uncertain times, it’s no wonder that even committed partners aren’t so eager to turn up the heat in the bedroom.

n fact, in recent research by the Kinsey Institute’s Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., about the effects of the current pandemic on sexual activity, 44% of respondents found their sex lives on the decline.

You might be spending more time at home these days, but you still might not feel particularly “in the mood” to get it on. That’s understandable, but don’t neglect your sexual health. Let’s find out what happens to your body when you deny it the pleasures of sex.

Erectile Dysfunction

study published in a 2008 issue of the American Journal of Medicine tracked almost 1,000 men between ages 50 and 70 for five years and found that those who reported having sex fewer than once a week were at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). The study didn’t research the effects of masturbation on ED, but according to medical experts, jerking off regularly probably does help preserve male sexual function.

Prostate Cancer

study from 2016 found that men who ejaculated as many as 21 times per month had a lower risk for cancer than those who did it only 4-7 times. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to ejaculate into another human; jerking off works just as fine. Ejaculating regularly lowers stress and gets cell metabolism to a steady rate.

High Blood Pressure

Turns out that without sex, there’s a high chance your blood pressure can spike. A study published in 2006 in Biological Psychology found that “blood pressure reactivity to stress is better for people who recently had penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) than for people who had other or no sexual activity.” The researchers also determined that having regular sexual activity improved the body’s physiological response to stress.

Brain Function

There’s been a growing amount of research, although inconclusive and still in the early stages, showing that people with regular sexual activity are better at recalling memories. Some of those results suggest that sex can help the brain grow neurons and work better.

For example, a study by Coventry and Oxford Universities published in The Journals of Gerontology in 2017 linked more frequent sexual activity to improved brain function in older adults: Those who had sex scored higher on tests that measured verbal fluency and the ability to visually perceive objects and the spaces between them.

And earlier research conducted by the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands in 2003 concluded that the increase in blood flow to the cerebellum upon male ejaculation also played an important role in «emotional processing.»

Immune System

Regular sexual activity boosts the body’s ability to make protective antibodies against bacteria, viruses, and other germs that can cause illnesses. Psychologists Carl Charnetski and Francis Brennan Jr. conducted a study where participants had sex once or twice a week and then provided saliva samples. The samples were found to have an extremely high concentration of immunoglobulin A, the common-cold busting antibody.

It goes without saying that apart from regular sex, you should exercise regularly, eat healthy, and get enough sleep. It could even be argued that these are more important than a great sex life. But if you’ve got at least those bases covered, schedule that bedroom playdate with your partner ASAP!


If you’ve watched one too many Pornhub vids in your day, at some point you might have felt inadequate and wondered whether your load was really “enough.” But don’t worry, porn often skews reality. If it’s of any comfort to you, know that many cum shots are doctored — fake penises, fake semen, and a contraption used to squirt it.

You certainly don’t need to have the ejaculate of a blue whale (560 pints), but we get it, you’d still like to know what’s considered “normal,” right? And if you have even the slightest doubts that you measure up, it’s a good idea to arm yourself with knowledge. Because if your semen volume is indeed on the low side, that could be a sign of some real health problems.

So, let’s get serious for a moment…

The Facts

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that normal semen volume ranges from 1.5ml to 5ml. And even if you don’t quite reach the 1.5-ml cut-off, you could still have an entirely healthy ejaculate and sex life. Still, it might be a good idea to have a chat with your doctor, for peace of mind.

As you get older, the volume of semen you produce naturally declines. So, if your semen volume has decreased gradually over time, it may just be age taking its toll. But if the difference is suddenly large, there might be an underlying issue that needs your attention ASAP.

What Causes Low Semen Volume?

  • Hypogonadism. This condition diminishes your testicular function. Your nuts are where you create sex hormones (mostly testosterone), and when production is insufficient, you’ll have difficulty getting hard, and your semen volume will decrease. Shrunken testicles is a tell-tale sign, but don’t start using the internet to judge the size of your gonads — go talk to a doctor.
  • Diabetes. Over time, this can damage your nerves and blood vessels, leading to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems. It’s also more likely for diabetics to suffer from a condition called retrograde ejaculation, which causes semen to squirt backward into the bladder instead of out of your urethra (your pee hole).
  • High blood pressure. By itself, this doesn’t cause low semen volume, but medication used to treat it can. If this side effect bothers you, consult your doctor.
  • Antidepressants. These meds can also cause both erectile dysfunction and low semen volume.

What to Do?

If you feel you aren’t producing enough semen, it’s simple: Go talk with a doctor, even if only to put your mind at rest. Battling with worry about your health is just as damaging as a real condition. Get yourself checked, and secure that peace of mind.

Medical consultation aside, there are some other options to keep your nuts in tip-top shape:

  • Make sure you’re getting enough quality sleep. Better sleep means fewer stress hormones — which can wreak havoc to your hormonal balance.
  • Keep them cool. So, it’s a bad idea to work with your laptop on your lap!
  • Avoid putting your phone in your pockets. Several studies have shown that phone radiation can decrease the count and quality of those little swimmers.
  • Shine a light. Red light therapy directly to the gonads has been proven to increase the production of Leydig cells, which produce testosterone! Just make sure you use an LED red light with an 850-nanometer wavelength, which is good for your nuts.

So, in short, get checked, rule out anything serious, and if necessary, begin treatment right away. The balls are in your court.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.


You are what you eat,” right? That’s a mantra you’ve probably internalized by now. And even though nutrition science still doesn’t have all the answers, we know there’s so much more to food than just its calories and macros.

Sure, we eat certain foods to do certain things. For example, we have protein to build muscle, and fiber to support regularity. But did you know that certain scientifically proven superfoods are also exceptional for men’s health — especially in regard to improved sexual performance? Here’s what science has to say:

#1. Ginger can boost testosterone levels

There’s a reason this odd-looking little rhizome has been cherished for ages, not just in the kitchen, but also probably in the bedroom. The Chinese, in fact, have used it since the sixth century BCE. (And just maybe this is one reason China currently has the world’s largest population?)

Ginger is packed with all sorts of powerful antioxidants, like gingerol. This compound has been scientifically proven to enhance testosterone production. It also has a positive effect on semen and sperm production. Who knew this humble root could work miracles not only in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom?

#2. Oysters act as an aphrodisiac

Oysters and other types of shellfish have always had a reputation for being aphrodisiacs, mainly because of their high levels of zinc, a mineral crucial for testosterone production. On top of that, oysters contain rare amino acids that increase sex hormone levels, in men and women alike.

These amino acids reach their highest concentration in spring. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that’s when the mollusks themselves breed. So, from March to June, it might not be such a bad idea to start a romantic dinner with a few dozen oysters.

#3. Tomatoes may help fight erectile dysfunction

Tomatoes have one of the highest concentrations of lycopene, a phytonutrient with strong antioxidant properties that can help treat erectile dysfunction. Carrots, watermelon, grapefruit, and papaya also contain lycopene, but in the U.S., tomatoes supply about 80% of this nutrient in the average American’s diet.

Research has shown that lycopene, when combined with a fat, is better absorbed by the human body. And in one study using tomatoes consumed with extra virgin olive oil, more than half of the patients with ED achieved better erections. So, salad with some tomatoes and an oil vinaigrette probably sounds more appealing now, huh?

#4. Spinach improves blood flow and…well, a lot of other stuff!

Green leafy vegetables have always been known to increase blood circulation. This is due to their high concentrations of nitrates, which act as vasodilators by opening up blood vessels to enhance blood flow.

But among green leafy vegetables, spinach is king. Why? Because it’s also a great source of folate, which aside from boosting blood flow, has also been shown to treat ED. Moreover, spinach is high in magnesium, which is known to increase testosterone levels in healthy men.

#5. Chili peppers can rev up libido

If you want to turn up the heat in the bedroom, consider turning up the heat in the kitchen — with some chili peppers, that is. Chili peppers contain capsaicin, the compound responsible for that spicy “heat.”

A 2014 study of more than 100 men suggests a positive correlation between endogenous testosterone and consumption of capsaicin-containing hot sauce. Another interesting fact is that capsaicin can trigger the release of endorphins, the “feel good” hormone. This is great news for all you spicy food lovers out there!

Time to Stock Up the Pantry

By no means is our list comprehensive, but based on scientific evidence, these five foods seem to have a great shot at improving men’s health in terms of erectile dysfunction and sexual performance. Put them on your next shopping list and see for yourself.

And don’t worry — you don’t need all of them. (Not everyone can stand the heat of chili peppers, and not everyone loves slimy oysters, eww.) Just pick a few and, of course, try to maintain a healthful diet in general. So think: wholesome foods, lean, low-sugar, healthy fats… You know the deal! A good sex life goes hand in hand with good health overall.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.


What’s a multi-orgasmic man? Being one involves much more than having multiple orgasms. If you’re a multi-orgasmic man, you have complete, or near-complete control over your sexual pacing. You’ve mastered your body’s capacity to climax in the bedroom, and you’ve mastered your ability to get your partner off, too.

The term came from a book by Mantak Chia The Multi-Orgasmic Man. But if you don’t want to read through the 240 pages of Eastern-Philosophy-inspired lessons in post-pubescent sexual development, we’ve delved into the subject for you.

So, what special skills do you need to become a multi-orgasmic man?

#1. Muscle Control

The physical component behind multiple orgasms involves performing Kegel exercises. These strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which control the inflow and outflow of urine from the bladder. These same muscles are also associated with more intense orgasms and improved erections.

To perform Kegel exercises, do the following:

1. Locate the pelvic floor muscles by stopping, or slowing down the flow of urine while you’re urinating. Don’t hold your breath or tense your leg or abdominal muscles.

2. Contract your pelvic floor muscles for a slow count of five (or more).

3. Now relax these muscles for a slow count of five.

4. Repeat this cycle of contraction and relaxation 10 times.

5. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions daily, with a day or two off each week.


  • Perform 20 flutters — brief, repeated contractions lasting around a second.
  • You can also create mini pelvic workouts — for example, by performing 10 holds for 5 seconds each, followed by 3 sets of 20 flutters.

Mix and match your holds and flutters to create a balanced pelvic workout. Holds build strength, and flutters build control.

#2. Breathing

Deep, long breathing techniques will help stave off ejaculation during sexual performance. Due to the nature of ejaculation, when it approaches, your breathing will become quick and shallow. Resist that. When the sensation of climax begins, take a slow, deep breath, and hold it for three seconds. Repeat, and notice your stamina increase. Practice this while masturbating, and then implement it in the bedroom.

#3. Edging

This technique involves bringing yourself to just before the point of climax and stopping. This way, you control your pacing and climactic finish. Do this by using the breathing techniques and Kegel exercises in unison.

Get Multi-Orgasmic, Man

So there you have it, our go-to guide to helping you become multi-orgasmic. Practice, practice, practice — be it on your own or with your partner. Put in the work, and eventually you’ll reap the rewards. Greater stamina, better pacing, and stronger erections and orgasms await you.


Viagra (sildenafil citrate) for long has been the go-to medication for managing erectile dysfunction (ED). It became popular as the first effective modern oral treatment that helped men with ED get erections.

Here are the answers to all your questions about Viagra…

Is Viagra FDA-Approved?

Yes, since 1998. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Viagra as an oral medication for treatment of erectile dysfunction. It requires a prescription and is not available over the counter.

How Does Viagra Work?

Viagra (as well as other drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction) is known as a PDE5 inhibitor.

Normally, the PDE5 enzyme degrades another compound, called cGMP, which allows more blood to flow into the sponge-like erectile tissue of the penis. So, less cGMP = less penile blood flow.

PDE5 inhibitors help like Viagra improve blood flow by preventing PDE5 from degrading cGMP. More cGMP = more penile blood flow. And you stay harder for longer.

Does Viagra Really Work?

Viagra has been known to improve erection and hardness and is one of the most prescribed drugs for erectile dysfunction. More than 80% of men who use Viagra say that it works.

When Should I Consider Using Viagra?

Viagra is a safe and effective treatment for men of any age with erectile dysfunction. Consider it only if episodes of ED begin to noticeably affect your sex life.

How Long Does It Take to Work?

It takes roughly 39 minutes for you to start feeling the effects of Viagra after you’ve swallowed a pill.

But if you had a high-fat meal within an hour of taking the medication, the effects may begin to kick in after an hour.

Can the Effects of Viagra Be Sped Up?

Your body needs to absorb the sildenafil (Viagra’s active ingredient) before you begin feeling its effects. To get the fastest results, take Viagra on an empty stomach. Also, you avoid eating any food within an hour of taking the medication.

While taking Viagra, refrain from drinking alcohol, especially in large quantities. Alcohol is a depressant that affects every system in the body, including that responsible for erections. Like alcohol, many illicit drugs can drastically reduce the effectiveness of Viagra.

Can I Take Viagra Every Day?

Yes, Viagra can be taken every day if your healthcare provider thinks that’s warranted.

Keep in mind, however, that Viagra should be taken only once in 24 hours. This is because the medication can sit in your system for up to eight hours after taking a dose.

I Don’t Have ED, But Can I Still Use Viagra?

Probably a bad idea, but you can go find out to make sure. If you don’t have ED or other sexual problems, speak with a health care provider. They’ll want to know about your medical history and existing conditions you might have.

After the consult, your healthcare provider should be able to determine whether Viagra is safe for you to use recreationally.

What’s the Typical Dose of Viagra?

According to the FDA, 50 mg of Viagra is the recommended dosage for most people. However, some get better results by taking only 25 mg, while others require 100 mg.

Definitely talk to your doctor. They’ll decide what dosage is right for you based on your medical history, symptoms, and preferences. If you don’t get the expected results, or if you experience unwanted side effects, consult your doctor before changing your dose.

Can I Take Viagra Alongside Other Prescription Meds?

Viagra can interfere with the way some medications work. And some medications can affect the way Viagra works! Tell your doctor about all the meds you take. Your list should include prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Are There Side Effects of Taking Viagra?

Absolutely, so carefully monitor how your body responds so you can tell your doctor.

Common side effects include dizziness, headache, nausea, flushing, upset stomach or indigestion, increased light sensitivity, blurred vision, muscle pain, runny nose, insomnia, and rash.

Rare side effects include priapism, which is a prolonged erection (call your doctor if it lasts for more than four hours!); heart-attack-like symptoms; eye problems, like sudden vision loss; ringing in ears or hearing loss; seizures; and swelling in the extremities.

Can Viagra Be Dangerous?

If you take it the way your doctor says you should, Viagra is generally safe to use. However, overdosing (e.g. by taking it more than once in 24 hours) can be dangerous.

One effect of overdosing is priapism. If that’s untreated within 24 hours, your penis can get permanently damaged.

Chest pains and irregular heartbeats are other symptoms of an overdose.

What Other Health Conditions Is Viagra Used For?

Viagra is marketed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction only. However, sildenafil (again, the active ingredient in Viagra), is also used to treat other conditions, such as pulmonary arterial hypertension — a form of high blood pressure that affects the lungs.

Revatio, which contains a lower dose of sildenafil than most Viagra tablets, is used exclusively as a treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Does Sexual Satisfaction with Viagra Lead to a Better Relationship?

Yes, Viagra promises better erections which, theoretically, will improve sexual performance in a relationship.

But what happens outside the bedroom is out of Viagra’s control. If sexual dissatisfaction is the problem in the relationship, then yes, Viagra will go a long way in solving those problems. If it isn’t, then a therapist might offer a better solution.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.


Christian Bale is the most famous big-screen chameleon. There might be no other actor as skilled as he when it comes to mind-blowing physical transformations. Well, he’s the man of the day for obvious reasons — January 30 is the actor’s birthday!

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Throughout his career, Bale has gained and lost weight. He has packed on and shed off muscle, and even thickened his neck, as he recalls, to fulfill the demands of a role. Even though he recently admitted that his transformation days are well behind him, we can still admire and be inspired by his stunning physical metamorphoses, and just maybe learn a thing or two along the way.
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Weight Loss and Weight Gain on Repeat

Bale started acting at age 13 by starring in Steven’s Spielberg war movie Empire of the Sun. After almost a decade of appearing in various other films, such as Little Women and Pocahontas, Bale’s career finally got traction with American Psycho, where he played the psychopathic serial killer Patrick Bateman.

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For his next role in The Machinist, Bale lost 63 lbs. Then he gained 70 lbs for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogy, then lost much of that weight for The Fighter, and then gained 43 lbs for American Hustle, and then yet another 40 lbs to play the former Vice President Dick Cheney in Vice.

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The 70-lb jump from The Machinist to Batman Begins was perhaps the most impressive feat. As the actor recalls:

I Stuffed Myself After The Machinist. My First Screen Test For Batman Begins Was A Month-And-A-Half Away After Finishing The Machinist, So I Had To Get My Weight Back Up. Then I Had About Five Months To Reach What You See In Batman Begins.


From Splurging to Strict Nutrition

So what did Bale do to achieve such a stunning physique for Batman beside stuffing himself? It should come as no surprise that he had to start working out, but it took time to get into the groove of things:

It Took Me A While To Even Be Able To Work Out Properly After The Machinist As Well, So At First It Was Slow Progress Exercise Wise.


Bale’s goal was to be lean, yet have a muscular physique. His objectives revolved around gaining and maintaining speed, strength, stamina, and agility. But before he could start exercising properly, he needed a proper diet. Nutrition was key.

Considering how macerated Bale was on his one-apple-a-day diet for The Machinist, initially he could afford to eat anything he wanted for Batman Begins. But eventually, as he gained energy and strength, his nutrition plan became a little more structured.

Diet-Wise, I Would Eat Smaller Meals Every Two Or Three Hours. Each Meal I Would Aim For A Balance Of Lean Proteins, Carbs And Good, Healthy Fats. I’d Also Try To Eat A Lot Of Vegetables, Drink Good Old H2O And [Eat] More Low-Calorie Fruits.


Bootcamp, Batman Style

You might think that gaining muscle would have involved lifting heavy weights, but no, not for Bale. When he returned to his normal exercise regimen, the actor preferred to run, but even that didn’t start up until a few weeks after he regained his weight.

It Wouldn’t Just Be Weights. I’d Also Do Wide-Grip Pull-Ups And Bodyweight-Style Moves As Well. If It Was Triceps, I Would Do Dips Until Failure And Other Bodyweight Exercises Mixed In With Lat Pull-Downs And Tricep Extensions. Every Day Was A Mix Of Weights, Bodyweight Moves, Compound Moves And Then A Run.


Bale’s exercise regimen involved doing splits of three sets of eight-to-ten reps. He concentrated on different muscles every day, and always shocked his body with drop-sets and supersets to failure. If that doesn’t sound like bootcamp, we don’t know what does.

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It turns out that Bale overdid it a bit with the weight gain, reaching a little over ten pounds more than what was needed for the role. So he ran more and cut out a lot of carbs for a few weeks.

Wow, what discipline. That’s how he achieved his stunning body in Batman Begins. Bale is another perfect example of an age-old maxim that anything can be achieved if you work hard enough.

Happy birthday, Christian, and keep up the great work!

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It’s a no-brainer that an established daily routine can help you feel more in control, form healthy habits, combat stress, and make room for everything else that’s important. And it’s motivating to see what’s helped successful people achieve their outstanding results. Let’s look at Michael Jordan’s routine and what made him the person he is today.

In 1989, Michael Jordan was on his fourth year as a shooting guard for the Chicago Bulls. He scored 30 to 40 points most games. Still, the Bulls couldn’t get past the Boston Celtics and Detroit Pistons in the Eastern Conference postseason. That was when Jordan realized he needed more strength to beat the opposing team.

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The Magic of Grover

So Jordan hired a personal trainer, Tim Grover, who helped him strengthen his upper body, core, legs, and mental strength and endurance. This helped Jordan propel the Bulls to six championships between 1991 and 1998.

Grover wasn’t the only person Jordan got help from. In fact, he recruited the whole team and formed what he called the “Breakfast Club,” which had a fierce early-morning training regime. It all started with Jordan asking guys to come over to practice, and then it grew into something extraordinary: a whole underground studio where people committed to winning every basketball game.

Training started as early as 5am because, as Jordan said, “The Breakfast Club was a mindset more than a workout.”Their dedication was intense.

Breakfast Club Exercises

Anterior reach on one leg

  1. Stand on one leg with a slight flex in the knee.
  2. Extend arms and lean forward so arms and body are parallel to the ground.
  3. Extend non-standing leg straight back so it’s in line with back, hips, and arms.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

Squats on an unstable object

  1. Stand on an unstable surface, with toes pointing outward.
  2. Pick an eye-level focus point on the wall.
  3. Squat down with control and good posture until thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep weight back on the heels.
  4. Drive out of the squat into starting position.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

Walk-outs on hands

  1. Begin in an athletic stance.
  2. Bend at the waist and touch hands to the floor in front of feet.
  3. Walk hands away from feet, keeping legs straight, until the body is fully extended.
  4. Walk hands back to feet.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

Push-ups on med balls

  1. Begin in a push-up position with hands on a med ball.
  2. Lower chest to the ball, stopping one inch above it.
  3. Extend arms to return to starting position.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

Med ball sit-ups

  1. Lie on back, with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Hold the med ball above chest with both hands.
  3. Raise shoulders off the ground and sit up with the med ball.
  4. Return to starting position.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

6-inch leg raises

  1. Lie on back, with legs straight and toes pointing toward the ceiling.
  2. Keep arms at sides and raise legs six inches off the ground.
  3. Hold an elevated position for two-to-three seconds.
  4. Return to starting position.

Reps: 10-15

Sets: 2-3

Times per week: 2

After the main portion of the workout, Grover would work with Jordan on exercises to prevent injuries to the wrists, fingers, toes, and ankles, among others.

Jordan’s Nutrition

After his strength- and endurance-training morning sessions, Jordan enjoyed a hearty, nutritious meal to promote recovery and muscle gain. Banana pancakes, grits, oatmeal, eggs over easy, and fresh fruit were standard.

In his interview with the Chicago Tribune back in 1996, Grover shared that Jordan generally aimed to four-to-six frequent but small meals made up of 70% carbs, 20% fats, and 10% protein. The nutrition plan was designed to prevent sugar spikes and keep blood sugar levels stable while boosting metabolism. According to Grover, Jordan’s daily menu could have looked like this:

  • Breakfast: A large bowl of oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries and raisins; scrambled egg whites; glass of orange juice
  • Lunch: Lean proteins like chicken breast or hamburger with a healthy carb (e.g. whole-grain pasta or a baked potato) and a green salad
  • Snacks: A shake made with a combination of Gatorade, protein powders, and fresh fruit
  • Dinner: Whatever he wanted

Consistency Is Key

Jordan once attributed his successes to his failures. Something was missing from his training, and so he got help and got serious. Ever since then, no single day of training was missed. And Grover didn’t even have to be present. Again, the team displayed sheer dedication. All strength workouts had to be completed by 8am before they headed off to Berto Center in Deerfield for the Bulls’ two-hour practice at 11am.

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It wasn’t long before all the effort paid off. The members of the Breakfast Club showed the most developed biceps and deltoids in the NBA. Moreover, the whole team not only defeated the Pistons and Celtics, but they also became the Western Conference champs.

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Bruce is one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, best known for his roles in Die HardPulp FictionThe Fifth Element, and The Sixth Sense.

As a singer (did you know that?), Willis released three albums, including his debut The Return of Bruno back in 1987, followed by two more albums in 1989 and 2001.

Bruce gained popularity all over the world with his role of New York City cop John McClane in the Die Hard sequel.

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Bruce received numerous accolades during his career, including a Golden Globe, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and two People’s Choice Awards. And he’s got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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Well, we can’t help but notice how ripped Bruce looked making his comeback in the Die Hard 6 movie. Everyone was pretty damn excited to see the action star in his late 50s all handsome and fit again.

Age Fits Him Well

Bruce Willis is an icon among iconic action stars. As we’ve seen in John McClane’s transformation throughout the Die Hard franchise from 1988 to 2013, he’s only gotten cooler.

He’s the man who made going bald awesome and even has been included in the “10 Guys Who Look Better Bald” list by Men’s Health.

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The discovery of 2021 is definitely Bruce Willis’s TikTok account. Must see!

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If you still don’t use TikTok yet, it’s time to sign up!

Celebrity Trainer, Workout & Diet

To put on the muscle that “defies age,” Bruce has to train hard for it.

To get in shape for Die Hard, he did hour-long cardio and strength sessions nearly every day for three months before filming.

Bruce’s trainer Gunnar Peterson, one of LA’s most sought-after trainers working with celebrities, prepared the actor for the shooting.

The trainer’s main principle is consistency, as Gunnar mentioned in an interview:

People Trying To Right A Lifetime Of Wrongs Two Weeks Before A Deadline. Overhauling Their Lives Instead Of Improving It Piece By Piece In A Way That Will Work For The Long-Term.



Bruce Willis’ workout plan is a balanced mix of exercises that help him maintain his strength and physique as he gets older.

The training program mostly consists of:

  • Cardio (for general fitness and reduced body fat)
  • Exercises with a stability ball (for strength and flexibility)
  • A mix of exercises, daily


First of all, protein is key. Bruce’s meals include these options:

  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Beans
  • Egg whites

Plus, there’s always fruits, veggies, and tons of water.

And of course, Bruce avoids the following:

  • Processed foods
  • Refined sugars
  • Fruit juices

How can a super busy person commit to a workout plan on a regular basis? Gunnar Peterson gives this piece of advice: “Write it in PEN! Treat it like an appointment, a job interview, or an oversold airline flight — don’t be late and don’t miss it.”

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So, next time you see Bruce and wonder, Wow! Great body at this age!, you know what you should do.

Happy birthday, Bruce! Stay awesome.

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If you’re into sports, you may already know who Eric Hinman is. If you don’t, he’s a top industry leader — a CrossFit and endurance athlete — as well as an angel investor, entrepreneur, and content creator.

His life philosophy is strong as a rock: Chase your perfect day and always be on the move. If you follow Eric, you’ll see him running through the Rocky Mountains, walking on his hands, or jumping into ice baths.

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To help you perform better as a runner, Eric has shared his strategies to make the best time possible.

But beware, this killer program isn’t for beginners or those just getting up off the couch to run their first mile. You should already be into running.

So now let’s get straight into the star athlete’s tips, which will skyrocket you to the next level.

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Strategy #1. Chase Your Perfect Day

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Investing in your personal fitness is a winner’s approach. A marathon is a big goal that requires long preparation and small tasks that challenge you daily. With each run, quicken your pace and crank out more wattage while staying at the same heart rate. All these small (actually, huge!) wins help you feel damn good about yourself.

I Felt More Fulfilled Accomplishing These Fitness Goals Than I Did Chasing Money Or Chasing Career Success Or Chasing Everything Else That Public Perception Says You Should Be Chasing.


Strategy #2. Focus on a Specific Goal for an Extended Period of Time

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If you’re serious about your fitness goals, the first thing you should do is prioritize. Plan out your regimen and learn to say no to less-important things. And if you make the right choice, anything is possible.

Prioritizing My Training Eventually Got Me To A Level Of Competition Where I Was Qualifying For Kona Multiple Years In A Row. But That Didn’t Happen Overnight. Rather, It Was Breaking It Down Into What I Could Do Today To Reach My Goal. It Also Taught Me To Seek Obstacles And Seek Discomfort Because That Is Where Growth Comes From.


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Being a 5x Ironman, Eric has built a killer training program that’s sure to boost your fitness success.

As a self-described “everyday athlete,” Eric does some type of exercise daily. Here’s the pro’s program:

  • Monday: 40-min easy run, avg heart rate 130-140bpm.
  • Tuesday: 3x800m at mile pace with 3-min recoveries; then 10-min easy jog; then 6x200m with recoveries of 30, 25, 20, 15, and 10 seconds.
  • Wednesday: 45-min easy run, avg heart rate 130-140bpm.
  • Thursday: 1-mile easy warmup; 1200-m time trial, 5-min easy jog; then 5x400m at goal mile pace. Jog easy for 2 min between sets.
  • Friday: rest.
  • Saturday: 2×2,000m at 5K pace with 3-min recovery; then 10-min easy jog; then 8x200m at mile race pace. Rest 1 min between sets.
  • Sunday: 60-min easy run, heart rate around 130bpm.

#1 Tip: Decrease your pace in the intervals each week by ~2%.

#2 Tip: Repeat this for four weeks, then do a mile time trial and see what your time is!

Follow this program, and you’ll accomplish results you’ve never dreamt of.

Strategy #4. Don’t Forget to Recover

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To perform like a pro and make the most of your training, plan a recovery routine as well.

Here are Eric’s favorite ways to recover — daily!

  • 0-min infrared sauna session
  • 30 min alternating between a hot tub (104 degrees) + cold tub (52 degrees) — 5 minutes in each
  • Walk! Move! Take walking meetings and avoid long sitting sessions at all costs!

People Often See Me Working Out ‘All Day,’ But Don’t See That I Spend Just As Much Time Recovering!


Strategy #5. Put Eating on Autopilot

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When you plan your diet, choose an exact time and place, and know what you’ll eat beforehand. In other words, take the decision-making out of eating! Your brain and body will get used to the routine, and you won’t spend energy figuring out the details meal after meal. Because when you do prepare for a marathon, you’ll have to spend your time pretty efficiently.

Eric Hinman’s diet mainly consists of vegetables (spinach), lots of eggs, nuts, seeds, and fish (for protein). He also limits consumption of red meat (it zaps energy) and stays away from sugar and alcohol due to their inflammatory effect.

His daily meal plan usually looks like this:


  • Smoothie bowl (2 handfuls of spinach, 2 Brazil nuts, half an avocado, half a banana, 1 1/2 cup Elmhurst cashew milk, Golden Root turmeric powder, ginger powder, Sun Warrior Plant-based Protein powder, and six to eight cubes of ice).

Lunch (12pm)

  • 2-3 scrambled eggs, kale, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, bacon bits, raisins, apple slivers, pecans, white balsamic dressing, 1/2 cup white rice
  • 20 ounces of water
  • 8 ounces of coffee with a little steamed oat milk

Dinner (7pm)

  • Chicken or salmon, Brussels sprouts, and sweet potatoes
  • 2–4 giant glasses of water

Pre-bed Snack (10pm)

  • Two scoops of Vital Proteins Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte
  • A shot of Rightful PM formula
  • One dropper of Beam 1000mg Mint CBD Oil
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey
  • 3 magnesium pills

Well, now you have the plan. So, go and get your results, champ! Eric and The Coach believe in you!

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Hopefully, you already know who this dude is. But in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, Michael Phelps is a 28-time Olympic medallist. And he holds the all-time record for Olympic gold medal wins — 23 in total! It will likely be some time before this record is broken.

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An Olympian Diet

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Phelps has retired from competitive swimming. But when he trained up to five or six hours a day, and six days a week, he regularly chowed down five or six eggs, alongside spinach, tomatoes, ham, hash browns, pancakes, oatmeal, fruit, and a French vanilla coffee — for breakfast only. That’s a lot of food.

Around the time of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Phelps’ typical diet consisted of the following:

  • Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions, and mayonnaise; two cups of coffee; one five-egg omelette; one bowl of grits; three French toasts dusted with powdered sugar; three chocolate-chip pancakes.
  • Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta; two large ham-and-cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread (yep, Phelps likes mayonnaise); and energy drinks.
  • Dinner: One pound of pasta, one whole pizza, and more energy drinks.

Phelps is often quoted as having boasted about this 12,000-Calorie diet, though he admits that this was more likely around 7,000-8,000 Calories. Still, that’s a whopping four times the caloric intake of an average adult male. Impressive, but unsurprising considering how much he trained.

A Dialed-Down Diet

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By 2012, Phelps began to eat more like a mortal, though still eats, daily, what many of us eating ‘clean’ might consider a cheat meal — a foot-long sub. Although, depending on the bread used, and if the sauce is homemade from whole food ingredients, this could be an entirely healthy ‘whole food’ meal.

  • Breakfast: Fruit, coffee, a large bowl of oatmeal, a big ham and cheese omelette
  • Lunch: A foot-long meatball marinara sub
  • Dinner: Two plates’ worth of whole grains, lean meats, fresh veggies

So, while Michael still eats a lot of calories, he certainly made a notable change from his previous daily feast by utilising the health benefits of whole grains and eating more vegetables. Though, when you are in the pool for so many hours each day, working hard cardio, it’s no surprise you can consume a lot more than the average joe.

Career post-diet change

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Following this stripping down of his diet, Phelps still went on to win several more medals for the United States — four golds and two silvers — securing his place as the record holder for Olympic medals, in history.

What Can Phelps’ Diet Teach Us?

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If a 12,000-Calorie (or even 7,000-Calorie) diet appeals to you, you better train like an Olympian. Otherwise, it’s probably a bad idea to try to chow down like Phelps. What should be our takeaway? (And no, not that kind of takeaway!)

Well, it’s simple: Pay attention to your caloric needs. If you’re young and train hard, you can get away with scarfing down on more. If you’re in your 30s or 40s, or older, and if you train less, you probably don’t need that second serving… unless you want to pack on fat, that is eating is all well and good, but calories burned, and calories consumed are always going to be the deciding factor in your weight reduction, or gain.

But don’t forget, it’s not all about the calories. Quality of food matters, too. Phelps generally had a clean diet. You don’t see loads of bacon, chips, donuts, and ice cream on his menu. Sure, he ate pancakes, and a lot of refined carbohydrates but he trained hard and burned off all those calories! As he got older, he consumed more whole grains, lean meats, and vegetables. These are healthy options that provide not only energy, but also nutrients that support a wealth of critical bodily functions, including muscle recovery. Make sure your diet does the same.

Disclaimer: This information isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should never rely upon this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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On May 13, 2021, Dennis Rodman turns… wait, can you guess? Don’t Google it; just take a look at the pictures below, and maybe shuffle your memory a little.

Dennis Rodman, “The Worm,” turns 60 freaking years old. Can you believe it? Makes you wonder if some people are truly just genetically blessed. Or maybe it’s all the tattoos and piercings that help you stay young way past your 30s.

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We searched far and wide to see what Rodman’s secret formula might be. There are some good leads. No doubt that incorporating these habits into your own routine will make you that much closer to realizing your own potential.
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#1. Say no to caffeine

Dennis drinks zero coffee. He’s pretty vocal about it, too; in a 2019 interview, he said “Screw coffee, I can’t drink coffee, man. That’s insane.” Rodman admits that he doubts that the boost coffee gives you is real.

And some scientific evidence actually backs it up. Recent research has shown that the energy and performance boost that habitual coffee drinkers experience after a cup or two might just be a sign of caffeine withdrawals temporarily subsiding. The whole decaf movement is really picking up these days, and there is so much compelling evidence against caffeine you might want to consider.

Depending on what your health goals and priorities are, you might want to consider natural leaf tea. It supposedly has some compounds that help your body process caffeine differently.

#2. Sympathize with vegetarians, but don’t say no to meat

There are rumors that he followed a vegetarian diet at times, but Dennis himself has definitely admitted to eating meat. He enjoys plain chicken and rice as his pre-game performance enhancer meal.

However, back in 2005, he became the first man, and the first sports star, to pose naked for PETA’s Anti-Fur Campaign and has spoken up against animal cruelty on multiple occasions.

Rodman’s seems like a healthy, reasonable, and humble attitude. Recognize the environmental impact and moral implications of consuming animal products, but don’t forget your body and its needs. Get nutrition and calories from meat and animal products, but make your plate as colorful as possible. And if you can afford it, always go for organic, free-range, and grass-fed.

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#3. Work out hard, work out often

Phil Jackson, a former head coach for the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, once called Rodman the greatest athlete he had ever coached. Not the best player, the greatest athlete.

Rodman would routinely hit the gym after a few hours spent on the court just to lift weights for a couple of hours. And he would work out before the game, while the rest of the team warmed up.

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According to the San Antonio Spurs PR team, Rodman enjoys a last-minute workout as “an eye-of-the-tiger psyche-up thing.” And it’s not just the weightlifting. Rodman is supposedly the only player to ever complete Arnie Kander’s grueling push-up cycle of 124 push-ups and 124 seconds of holding the position.That’s as high-intensity as HIIT can get. Throw in his passion for cycling and the crazy aerobic demand of basketball, and you’ve got an insane, yet perfectly balanced exercise routine.

You probably don’t want to try that at home. But we keep saying this time and again: Lifting heavy weights with an occasional HIIT session and a little bit of cardio just to get the blood pumping completely covers your body’s need for exercise.

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It’s been almost eight years since David Beckham retired his football career. And he is still considered one of the world’s greatest athletes. It’s no surprise! Just look at his super ripped body…

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The “phenomenon soccer” began his career playing for Manchester United at 18 and became a starter when he was 20. He also played for Preston North End, Real Madrid, Milan, LA Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain, and the England national team. During his 20-year career, Beckham won 19 major trophies and become the only English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the U.S., and France.

Beckham is ranked among the world’s highest-paid football players, with an income of $50 million in 2013 (the year he retired as a professional player due to injuries).

Fortunately, it was never the end of his football career. He currently co-owns Inter Miami CF, a professional soccer expansion team based in Miami, Florida.

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In his late 40s, Beckham is loved and idolized by thousands. He and his wife Victoria (former Posh Spice Girl) have become a power couple and often appear on fashion magazine covers. Both are considered style icons and key influencers.

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Workout Routine

After retirement, Beckham no longer needed his intense pro workouts. Yet he’s still got his top shape.

The secret? His “fitness snacking” approach. This is an exercise routine involving activities dotted throughout the day instead of doing it all in one go.

Practically, it’s a lifestyle that suits the busy father of four. Cycle to work, clean the house, lawn grass, walk the dog — all these activities add up and help him maintain a fantastic shape.

You Don’t Have To Go And Spend A Huge Amount Of Money Going To The Gym. Three Or Four Times A Week I Walk My Daughter To School Instead Of Driving Her, Or She Bikes Home With Me. It’s The Little Things That Make A Difference.


The awesome commercial by Guy Richie in which Beckham took part probably shows his usual lifestyle.

So, let’s take a closer look at the soccer star’s genius fitness approach.

Fitness Snack Option #1: Gym Burn

Warm-up: Stretch, then jog for 10-20 minutes.

Do 5 rounds of the following:

  • Sled push: 50 yards
  • Push-ups: 40 reps
  • Battle ropes: 30 seconds
  • Kettlebell goblet squats: 20 reps
  • Kettlebell swings: 10 reps

Fitness Snack Option #2: On the Go Burn

Warm-up: Stretch, then jog for 10-20 minutes.

Do 5 rounds of the following:

  • Jump squats: 40 reps
  • Push-ups: 30 reps
  • Leg raises: 20 reps
  • Plank to push-up: 10 reps
  • Burpees: 5 reps


  • 20-60-min cardio on the treadmill, bike, stairclimber, etc.
  • Sports and classes: hiking, rock climbing, yoga, pilates, spin class, mixed martial arts, Thai boxing, etc.

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The key principle is to mix it all up. Being a retired pro athlete, he takes his exercise wherever he can get it, and combines it with some domestic routines and his time with kids.


To stay fit and healthy, David maintains a super clean diet with little fat (which he gets from olive oil or yogurt) and enjoys plenty of lean proteins and veg.

His diet plan usually looks like this:

  • Solid Breakfast — a cheese omelet to start his day
  • Light Lunch — chicken and vegetables
  • Healthy Snacks — nuts (his go-to’s during the day)

Beckham’s diet includes:

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Leafy greens
  • Cauliflower
  • Beans
  • Yogurt
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts

Beckham avoids:

  • White bread
  • Cereals
  • Rice
  • Processed foods
  • Junk food
  • Fatty foods

David is no fan of supplements or nootropics, but his diet includes herbal energy drinks from time to time.

People Always Say To Me, ‘Why Would You Place Yourself In A Position Where You Have To Put Pressure On Yourself?’ But It’s What Gives Me Energy.


The Keys to Success

To be adored by thousands and have the title of one of the greatest athletes globally, the usual regimen is not enough. It’s a state of mind that helps you succeed. And here are some of the life principles that Beckham stands by:

  • Prove them wrong. Did you know David’s first coach told him he was too skinny and not strong enough to play professional football ever? He certainly proved the coach wrong.
  • Know your priorities. Beckham and his wife have always put their family first.

In My Career, There Are Many Things I’ve Won And Many Things I’ve Achieved, But For Me, My Greatest Achievement Is My Children And My Family. It’s About Being A Good Father, A Good Husband, Just Being Connected To Family As Much As Possible.


  • Do what you love.

I Don’t Have Time For Hobbies. At The End Of The Day, I Treat My Job As A Hobby. It’s Something I Love Doing.


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So, if you want to maintain a lifestyle like Beckham’s, just pick your fitness snack, be active throughout the day, eat clean, and finally prove them wrong! That’s how you start owning your life and feeling like a champ.

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Joe Rogan has quite the commitment and self-discipline: “I say, ‘I have to yoga two times a week’ and ‘I have to lift weights three times this week’ and ‘I have to run twice this week.’”

The 52-year-old talks himself into working out regularly. That’s admirable, it’s how he stays in shape.

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Martial Arts

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Before Joe had success in performance arts, he had success in martial arts. Rogan took up karate at 14 years old, before starting taekwondo at 15 and winning the U.S. Open Championship in the lightweight category. He went on to become the Massachusetts full-contact state champion for four years, before a brief amateur kickboxing run, holding a record of 2-1.

Joe quit full-contact striking due to headaches and the concern he might end up with permanent damage. But martial arts has continued to be part of his life, in his job, and in his training schedule. Joe regularly hits bags and does pads, and he practices full-contact Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He earned a black belt under his long-time friend Eddie Bravo and his 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu system.

Body and Mind

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In addition to his yoga, cardio, weight training, and MMA, Joe takes a lot of supplements, including nootropics, a family of supplements that can improve brain function.

I Do Everything That I Can To Put My Body And Brain In A Good Place So I’m Keeping My Engine Smooth. I’m Changing My Oil.


Joe Rogan’s Diet

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Joe follows a time-restricted eating routine, taking in food only during a 6-8-hour window.

This has been shown to slow down the aging process by boosting cellular repair. It’s also great for the microbiome and for helping maintain a healthy weight.

This is what Joe likes to eat:

  • Game meat. Elk, elk, and more elk. Joe’s Instagram account is rife with pictures of perfectly cooked elk meat. An avid hunter, Joe kills and eats a lot of wild game meat. He loves to talk about how a diet consisting of lean cuts of meat from wild animals is incredibly nutritious. He’s not wrong.
  • Vegetables. The elk is always accompanied by jalapenos. Joe also regularly enjoys avocado, which is great to eat on the low-carb diet he often promotes. He also consumes lots of greens, including kale shakes and string beans.
  • Kimchi. Joe has frequently mentioned his love for Korean spicy pickled cabbage, kimchi. Properly fermented kimchi is tasty and great for digestive health.
  • Eggs.Every day, Joe enjoys eating at least four eggs for breakfast, or as a snack.
  • Coffee. Joe loves his cup of joe. He drinks a lot of it on his podcast.
  • Kombucha. And he enjoys this bubbly, fermented drink. It’s another probiotic.
  • Supplements. Vitamins, probiotics, nootropics, testosterone and growth hormone are all staple supplements for Joe. Note that the testosterone and growth hormone are prescribed and monitored by a doctor as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for low testosterone.

Putting It All Together

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Training-wise, Joe Rogan’s mix of cardio, weight training, combat sports, and mindfulness exercise like yoga show that balance is powerful, as you receive the benefits of multiple disciplines. Commitment and regularity are the key to Rogan’s chiseled body, however. That and his TRT supplementation, although hormone replacement alone won’t get you in shape. If you think that your hormones might be out of whack, or that your testosterone might be dwindling, consult your doctor.

So, if you want to look like Joe Rogan, get active in a variety of ways, and train your mind. And diet-wise, eat unprocessed, whole foods, lots of different colored fruit and vegetables, and high-quality meat, fish, and seafood. Limit dairy and starchy carbs such as pasta and bread, and get yourself some high-quality supplements to make sure you’re hitting all your nutritional bases.

You might not start your own highly successful podcast, but you may find yourself to be the envy of your buddies in the gym changing room.

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Argentine-born football superstar Lionel Messi performs for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team, and he’s often considered the best player in the world. Messi has been awarded FIFA’s Player of the Year and the European Golden Shoe for top scorer on the continent a record six times.

Forbes has also ranked Messi as one of the highest-paid soccer players, with $126 million in total income for 2020. His current 2020-21 Barcelona contract brings him over $80 million annually.

Despite his health issues in youth (he suffered growth hormone deficiency, which threatened his sports career) and serious injuries, he managed to become one of the greatest players of all time, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

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He still looks like he could keep up with his great rival Ronaldo well into their late 30s.

Let’s find out the secrets of Messi’s perfect shape and maybe try to include some of them into our everyday routine.


As an active pro soccer player, Messi practices conscious eating. Yet it wasn’t always like this.

In his younger years, Messi ate what most of us do: fast food, fizzy drinks, pizza. As he aged, he figured out this diet wasn’t working for his body and gave up all the junk food.

What You Can Put In Your Body At 18 Or 19 Years Of Age Is Not The Same As What You Can Put In At 27.


The athlete started working with nutritionist Giuliano Poser. Now, his diet plan mainly consists of five major categories:

  • waterolive
  • oilwhole
  • grainsfresh
  • fruitfresh
  • vegetables

Messi also avoids certain foods, like:

  • refined flour
  • refined sugar
  • sugary drinks
  • alcohol
  • processed carbs
  • fried foods
  • junk food
  • artificial additives
  • chemicals

Poser believes that one of the most crucial principles of a healthy diet is eating as little sugar as possible.

Sugar Is The Worst Thing For The Muscles. The Farther He [Lionel Messi] Stays Away From Sugars, The Better.


As part of his healthy diet, Lionel Messi also gave up eating excessive quantities of meat. In Poser’s words:

The Amount Of Meat Normally Eaten By Argentinians And Uruguayans Is Too Much, As It Is Difficult To Digest.


Favorite Drinks

  • Protein shakes – to compensate for the lack of protein. Messi drinks up to three protein shakes a day (along with lots of water).
  • Yerba Mate – a popular Argentinian herb beverage and Messi’s fav drink. It’s an excellent alternative to coffee that boosts alertness and digestion and helps you lose weight.

To sum up, Messi’s diet is quite simple: eat healthy, include the right carbs, reduce meat and sugar intake, and supplement with protein. No magic, right?

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Messi’s Favorite Dish

Barcelona revealed Messi’s favorite recipe. Check it out on their Twitter:

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It’s roasted chicken with root vegetables, which you can make in your own kitchen and eat like the soccer star!


  • 30g olive oil
  • Salt
  • 4 smashed garlic gloves
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch of carrots
  • 1 leek
  • 700-800g potatoes
  • 4 chicken thighs
  • Fresh thyme


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees
  • Add oil and salt to a roasting tray
  • Add chopped vegetables and chicken
  • When prepared, roast for 45 mins at 190 degrees

The champ’s healthy meal is ready!

Workout Regimen

When training, Messi focuses on three key factors: speed, strength, and stretching.

Stretching is an important part of the soccer star’s training routine, as it helps improve agility and dynamism around the field.

Lionel Messi’s training routine consists of two types of workout sessions: Linear Speed Workout and Multi-Directional Speed Workout. He trains five days a week and ensures his body gets enough rest as well.

Linear Speed Workout


  • Pillar bridge (front): 30 sec x 2 sets
  • Knee hug lunge: 4 reps/side
  • Inverted hamstring stretch: 4 reps/side
  • Pillar skip (linear): 15 yds
  • 2-foot rapid response: 5 sec x 2 sets


  • Hurdle hop: 5 hurdles x 2-3 sets
  • Split squat jump: 4/side x 2-3 sets

Movement skills

  • Acceleration wall drill (marching): 5 reps/side x 2 sets
  • Acceleration wall drill (single exchange): 5 reps/side x 2 sets
  • Acceleration wall drill (triple exchange): 5 reps/side x 2 sets
  • Acceleration (split stance): 10 yds x 3-5 sets
  • Acceleration to base: 10 yds x 3-5 sets

Multi-Directional Speed Workout

Warm-up (same as above)


  • Hurdle hop (lateral) 5 hurdles/side x 2-3 sets
  • Lateral bound: 4/side x 2-3 sets

Movement skills

  • Lateral shuffle to cut: 4 reps/side x 2-3 sets
  • 3-hurdle drill (stabilization): 3 reps x 2-3 sets
  • 3-hurdle drill (continuous): 3 reps x 2-3 sets
  • 3-hurdle drill (to drop step): 3 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Mirror drill: 5-10 sec x 3-4 sets

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Now you know the secrets of Lionel Messi’s super-fit shape. We hope you’ve got your portion of good motivation and tips to include in your routine!

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With bulging bicep veins and a lean, muscular physique, Hugh Jackman was certainly in great shape when he was recently seen jogging in New York with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness.

Jackman uses a combination of bodybuilding, powerlifting, calisthenics, and cardio training to achieve his impressive body composition for a 50-year-old man. While he doesn’t have a specific training routine outside of his Wolverine workout, he does have an Instagram account filled with training exercises.

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Here are our top picks from Jackman’s Instagram to keep you lean and muscular:

Compound Powerlifts


First is the deadlift, an intense compound lift that works the entire body. This exercise will build strength and stability. As a functional exercise, it will help you perform everyday tasks safely and with ease. And because it builds core strength, you’ll have better posture.

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  1. Stand with both feet under the bar, around the middle of the foot, and shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend with a straight back, grabbing the bar with a shoulder-width grip.
  3. Now bend at the knees, keeping your back straight, until your shins touch the bar.
  4. Lift your chest up, keeping your back straight.
  5. Take a deep breath and stand up with the weight pushing your hips forward and keeping your back straight.
  6. Hold the weight at the top of the lift, with your knees and hips locked.
  7. Return the weight to the ground by moving your hips back while bending your legs.
  8. Take a couple of deep breaths, and repeat.

Deadlifts are a very effective exercise, but they can be very dangerous if performed inco

rrectly, and particularly when too much weight is added too early.


Next up off Jackman’s Insta arsenal is the squat.

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Much like the deadlift, this is another intense, compound lift that will improve whole-body strength and stability.

  1. Stand under the bar in the squat rack, feet shoulder-width apart with the bar positioned so you have to bend your knees to get under the bar, keeping a straight back.
  2. Stand up straight, lifting the bar off the rack.
  3. Carefully move away from the rack one or two steps, ensuring that you can perform the squat without hitting the rack.
  4. Take a deep breath in, then squat down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, keeping your abdominals tight and tensing your glutes.
  5. If you have good flexibility, squat far enough so that your hips are lower than your knee. But if you can’t do this without keeping your back straight, don’t force it.
  6. Driving through your heels, squat back up until your knees and hips are locked at the top.
  7. Repeat.

Like the deadlift, the squat is a demanding exercise that can be dangerous if performed incorrectly or if loaded with too much weight too soon. For both deadlifts and squats, always perform at least your first several reps under the guidance of a personal trainer.


Medicine Ball Squat

Jackman also performs a variety of calisthenic exercises. One is the medicine ball squat. This advanced exercise takes exceptional stability and balance.

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To perform a medicine ball squat, first you must be able to balance on a medicine ball in a standing position, which is no easy feat! Then you perform a squat while staying balanced on the ball. Don’t attempt this with extra weight.

Clap Wide-Grip Pull-Ups

Never one to opt for easy, Jackman has mastered clap wide-grip pull-ups. Yes, he launches himself into the air above the pull-up bar, then performs a clap, and then grabs the bar again to finish the rep.

If that sounds too hard, start with a traditional pull-up:

  1. Grab the pull-up bar with a wide, shoulder-width grip.
  2. Hang from the bar with your arms straight and your legs slightly bent, with your feet crossed over one another.
  3. Pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar.
  4. Lower yourself until your arms are straight.
  5. Repeat.

But if you want to add a clap, you’ll need to be able to perform many reps of a normal wide-grip pull-up before attempting it. When you think you’re ready, definitely first warm up. Then make your pull-up incredibly explosive, giving you the momentum to thrust yourself into the air slightly at the top of your rep; you’ll have a split-second to clap before returning your hands to the bar.

Get Jacked, Man

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So, there you have it, our top picks of Jackman’s workout techniques as seen on his Instagram. Do have a look yourself for many more — he’s quite the gym rat. Get training!

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